Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Royal Temple

The this ancient wisdom which began to awaken within the sleeping consciousness of the Chinese people, having been born in our ancient beginnings on Atlantis, there is embodied the deepest of hidden mysteries. The Tao, however as spiritual 'property' of all of humanity, lives on through the present with each passing moment. TheTao, or The Great Spirit, as the native American Indian called It, flows evermore as water through all dimensions and eons of world existence... in all of nature and within the human being the third principle of the Tao. And as the human individual gradually awakens to the Spirit in all of existence, it can seek, find and hold the balance between heaven and earth. The Tao ...a "dew drop of the Spirit" is the essential God-ness at the core of every human heart evolves within.. Out of a long deep sleep within time and space each free-ing human being when awakening to the Spirit of Unification with the world...with others...follows the path, first more or less unconsciously then gradually more and more consciously on "the way" towards the greatest of all creations ...and what is this greatest of all creations? It is the culminating fulfillment in the far far distance ...beyond time and space... yes, in the duration of eternity, when humanity together with all of God's created beings will have formed in the Spirit of Truth, Beauty and Goodness... the Royal Temple... a mighty harmonious and majestic confluence of All Beingness. If this is even possible to put into words, then this is the 'exulted future' of the Tao of which Steiner speaks. (ed.)

below is a reproduction of a painting of the Seventh Seal of the Book of Revelations or the Apocalypse of Saint John by Arild Rosenkrantz, a collaborating painter with Rudolf Steiner in the building of the First Goetheanum

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