Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Healing Social Life

"The healing social life is only found when in the mirror of the human soul the whole community finds it's reflection and when in the community the virtue of each soul is living." ...Motto of the Social Ethic 1920 by Rudolf Steiner"

 This for me is clearly an idea completely in keeping with the Tao. The third principle of the Tao is the striving human being who seeks balance between heaven and earth through virtue.  In the 'Tao Te Ching' the great work by master Lao Tzu, the Chinese word Te in fact means virtue. So one interpretation of the title 'Tao Te Ching' could be... the teachings of virtue in keeping with the Tao.

As in theTao, so in the Grail... I think this is implied as well. The 'path of the Grail', or 'the way' is a gradual path of transformation, transforming one's personal ego into a vessel for the virtuous life of oneself and the community. The key here is the vessel which is the Grail. And the community too becomes a Grail vessel which seeks a rightful freedom-based-ethic in unison with in the cosmic order...or the Tao.

 The community is an extension of the individual and when there is a harmony between individual and community (a mirroring) then there is harmony between heaven and earth as well. The Tao is the Great Oneness that is always a Unity. Oneness means that all elements of creation are in harmonious synchronicity. The unifying Oneness of individual and community (together with heaven and earth) as indicated towards by Steiner in this motto is of course an ideal ...a great way from much that we experience today in the world. It is something that in the long process of spiritual evolution will however be attained by a great part of humanity (together with the Creator Beings)... which genuinely seeks fulfillment in the Tao (ed.)

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