Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Christmas Mystery: Deepest Words Expressed Within

"And now we will listen to words in which the deepest import of the Christmas Mystery is mirrored. In all ages these words resounded in the ears of those who were pupils of the Mysteries — before they were allowed to participate in the Mysteries themselves" — R.S.

Behold the Sun
At midnight hour,
And build with stones
in lifeless ground,
So find in downfall
and in death's dark night
Creation's new beginning,
The morning's youthful might.
The heights of heaven reveal
The gods' eternal Word;
The deeps shall guard and keep
Its gift of peace assured.
In darkness living
Create an inner sun.
In substance weaving
The spirit's joy is won.

translated from the original
by Arvia MacKaye Ege

Die Sonne schaue
Um mitternächtige Stunde.
Mit Steinen baue
Im lebenlose Grunde.
So finde im Niedergang
Und in des Todes Nacht
Der Schöpfung neuen Anfang,
Des Morgens junge Macht.

Die Höhen lass offenbaren
Der Götter ewiges Wort,
Die Tiefen sollen bewahren
Den friedensvollen Hort.
Im Dunkel lebend
Erschaffe eine Sonne.
Im Stoffe webend
Erkenne Geisteswonne.

from: The Festivals and their Meaning ...lectures by R. Steiner
Berlin, 17th December, 1906    GA 96
lecture 2 "Signs and Symbols of the Christmas Festival"
read the entire lecture on-line at

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