"TAO.... is the reminder of the conception of the divine held by our early forefathers. Before Europe, Asia and Africa were scenes of early civilization, early forefathers of ours lived on the continent of Atlantis, which was finally submerged by the mighty floods. In the Germanic sagas of Nifelheim or Nebelheim, the memory of Atlantis still lives. For Atlantis was not surrounded by pure air. Vast cloud-masses moved over the land. like those to be seen today clustering around the peaks of high mountains. The sun and moon did not shine clearly in the heavens - they were surrounded by rainbows - by the sacred IRIS. At that time the human being understood the language of nature. Today we no longer understand what speaks to us in the rippling of waves, in the noise of winds, in the rustling of leaves, in the rolling of thunder - but in old Atlantis it was understood and felt as a divine reality. And within these voices of clouds, and waters and leaves and winds a sound rang forth - TAO - THAT I AM. The people of Atlantis heard and understood it, feeling that Tao pervaded the whole universe. Later, Tao was expressed by the by the letter T, upon which rests a circle, a sign of the all - encompassing divine nature."
R.S., lecture Dec. 24, 1905
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