Clairvoyance and Consciousness:
The TAO Impulse in Evolution
A 2012 re-print of a classic...Incredible! Indispensable! Absolutely the very best book in English on this theme. (Original in German 1988, first English 1991)
Thomas makes a wonderful presentation of Steiner's main spiritual scientific researches into the Akasha concerning the TAO on Atlantis. He then leads the reader to an understanding of how the Tao today can and does live in present day humanity (even Goethe is described as one who had a deep feeling for the Tao). A particularly profound presentation is made of Steiner's basic philosophic work Intuition as a Spiritual Path: A Philosophy of Freedom as a path to experiencing the TAO in our time! Indications are also given of the Fulfillment of Tao through humanity for the world in the distant future.
(And one further note here: one does not need to be a philosopher to read this Steiner book!... just willing to develop an open, unbiased, clear and logical mind for free active thought. Free active thinking leads to fresh insights and even powerful intuitions which can have practical and even healthy and ethical consequences. I've tried works.)
Lao Tzu and Anthroposophy by Kwan-Yuk Claire Sit 2010 and 2012
Fresh ink! in 2nd revised printing May 18...a very excellent new translation from an Anthroposophical perspective with beautiful, inspiring commentaries ...profoundly interesting.
Claire was born in Hong Kong and now resides in the US. However she will soon be here to deliver three lecture during our upcoming TAO and Anthroposophy Symposium to be held in Hong Kong June 1-3, 2012 contact me at for more information
also by Claire:
The Lord's Prayer: an Eastern Perspective same author 2008 Since I have not seen or read this...cannot make a statement here, but undoubtedly a wonderful well written commentary.
May I recommend purchasing a few of either 3 of these titles to give to friends as gifts!
Revealing the Universal Spirit in earthly existence...exploring the intrinsic principles and also the inter-relationships between eastern Tao Wisdom and western Grail Knowledge...seeking to find a deep understanding of these great Mysteries through various means of philosophic thought, imaginative word and pictorial imagery...postings by john stolfo in hong kong beginning december 2011......see also artwork at
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Lao Tzu ...with a quote from Goethe
Lao Tzu, lived 6th cent. B.C.
"When the healthy human nature works in its entirety, when the human feels herself as a great and beautiful, worthy and valuable whole within the world, when the feeling of harmonious pleasure affords her free delight --then, if the universe could perceive itself, it would shout with joy as if it had arrived at its ultimate goal and would acclaim the pinnacle of its achievement and striving. For to what purpose is the expenditure of suns and planets and moons, of stars and milky ways, of comets and nebulae, of worlds already created and worlds in the making, unless ultimately a happy human being enjoys it unselfconsciously?"
Goethe 1749-1832
This quote epitimizes the spirit of Tao as it can be experienced by a selfless human consciousness...a natural state of being where one feels at One with the universe without a dint of selfishness...but when Love prevades all being and things....a great unity...js.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
a pastel painting...
flyer background for a lecture given by js
on 'Tao and Anthroposophy' at the
Waldorf Education Conference
for Chinese Speaking Teachers May 2012
TAO as Experienced by Atlanteans
"TAO.... is the reminder of the conception of the divine held by our early forefathers. Before Europe, Asia and Africa were scenes of early civilization, early forefathers of ours lived on the continent of Atlantis, which was finally submerged by the mighty floods. In the Germanic sagas of Nifelheim or Nebelheim, the memory of Atlantis still lives. For Atlantis was not surrounded by pure air. Vast cloud-masses moved over the land. like those to be seen today clustering around the peaks of high mountains. The sun and moon did not shine clearly in the heavens - they were surrounded by rainbows - by the sacred IRIS. At that time the human being understood the language of nature. Today we no longer understand what speaks to us in the rippling of waves, in the noise of winds, in the rustling of leaves, in the rolling of thunder - but in old Atlantis it was understood and felt as a divine reality. And within these voices of clouds, and waters and leaves and winds a sound rang forth - TAO - THAT I AM. The people of Atlantis heard and understood it, feeling that Tao pervaded the whole universe. Later, Tao was expressed by the by the letter T, upon which rests a circle, a sign of the all - encompassing divine nature."
R.S., lecture Dec. 24, 1905
R.S., lecture Dec. 24, 1905
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